home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > March 21, 2003 - Page 7 of 20 - << previous page : next page >>
Looks like their Main Street trees have been trimmed too, I have a better shot in a latter day.
Looks like their Main Street trees have been trimmed too, I have a better shot in a latter day.
I have gotten a couple questions about the Walk around the World, the pavers they were selling with names encraved.  Many want to know if you can walk around.  The answer is no, here is where the path ends, the other side ends on the way to the Contemporary.
I have gotten a couple questions about the Walk around the World, the pavers they were selling with names encraved. Many want to know if you can walk around. The answer is no, here is where the path ends, the other side ends on the way to the Contemporary.
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